1 July 2024
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Be Well Reg!

1 July 2024, Comments: Comments Off on Be Well Reg!

Little fish, big smiles from our Michigan Retreat at Ranch Rudolf in Traverse City. A shout goes out to longtime Coordinator Reg Tidball, who […]

9 June 2024
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What a Gift!

9 June 2024, Comments: Comments Off on What a Gift!

Another fantastic week of Retreats across the country; spreading joy in Pennsylvania, Colorado and Utah. 36 men leaving their cancer woes behind as they […]

24 May 2024
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Corner to Corner

24 May 2024, Comments: Comments Off on Corner to Corner

Spanning the country corner to corner from Maine to California, with New Jersey and Kentucky in between – another 4 fantastic Retreats this past […]

15 May 2024
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True Words Spoken

15 May 2024, Comments: Comments Off on True Words Spoken

Some meaningful comments from participants at our Syria, VA Retreat last week. Be Well! Fish On! “I returned home emotionally drained but renewed and […]

30 April 2024
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Spanning the Globe

30 April 2024, Comments: Comments Off on Spanning the Globe

What a week! 4 Retreats completed across the globe – Australia, Missouri, Texas and Montana! 4 outstanding teams of Volunteers providing the same caring […]
